About Us
Our Story
Cyber Nations is a global program designed to engage 100,000 African, Caribbean and Canadian learners to be trained as cybersecurity operations analysts, incident responders, vulnerability specialists, and cyber literacy coordinators, with a path to employment.
Founded in 2019 with an originial focus on women and youth, Cyber Nations has evolved into a partnership between SDOCCA Cyber, Protexxa Inc, George Brown College, CILAR and many partners. The Cyber Nations Foundation aims to elevate cyber literacy worldwide while developing a rich and diverse talent pool that will help fill the high number of open positions in the cybersecurity industry.
Learners interested in upskilling to join the cyber industry will embark on an intensive four- month program that culminates with a Cybersecurity Analyst certificate from a recognized Canadian post-secondary institution, followed by job placement services.
Learners will be matched with hiring organizations in order to put their new skills to work immediately.